3 Ways to Overcome Your Atychiphobia

Wheeler del Torro
3 min readAug 16, 2019
Photo Credit: monster.com

Do you find that you are terrified of failing, perhaps to the point that you give things you want only minimal effort, or you don’t even try at all? If so, you might be affected by atychiphobia. The good news is this: you now have a name for it, and you can now start the road to overcoming it.

What is atychiphobia?

Atychiphobia is, simply put, the fear of failure. Before attempting something, a person who experiences atychiphobia will start to feel feelings of doubt set in. As a result, they will find ways of passively or actively avoiding the steps they need to take to achieve their goals in life. It sounds dramatic, but take a critical look at your own behaviors. Do you ever procrastinate on a project that is important to you, say, online dating? Or, can you name a few goals you have set for yourself that intimidate you?

If you see signs of either passive or active self-sabotage in your own life, you’re not alone. A considerable percentage of the world population is affected with atychiphobia. And while the fear is one thing, not pushing past the fear can cause you to miss some really great opportunities. This will leave a person feeling stressed, upset, or like a failure. And the spiral continues.

How does a person overcome atychiphobia?

Here are some of the most effective and useful methods that you can follow to overcome atychiphobia.

1. Redefine failure

When you come across a situation that is sparking your feelings of atychiphobia, it’s time to pause and redefine failure away from something negative towards something more positive. How is that possible? Ask anyone who has accomplished great things and they will tell you: failure is one of the best learning experiences that a person can experience. When you change your viewpoint of failure, you will not be too scared to experience it. And if you embrace your failures and the learning that comes with them, you will be securely on the road to success.

2. Always be kind to yourself

Being kind to yourself- or, at least, course correcting when you catch yourself being harsh- is another effective method for overcoming atychiphobia. The reason this is so important? Being hard on yourself leads to a lack of…

